
At PalmeroSanz we know that in order to obtain a quality product it is essential to look after the raw material, for this reason we take great pains to ensure that the work carried out on the land doesn't affect the quality of the fruit and to this end we look after our olives of the Picual and Cornicabra varieties through use of traditional cultivation methods.

This artisan process which produces high quality olive oils starts with the trees, with work including all pruning carried out by hand. Authorized fertilizers are used in very limited amounts and only every other year. We also try to avoid excessive use of plant protection products and ploughing. Harvesting the olive is done in the most natural way possible, respecting the environment and avoiding erosion.

Our plantations are traditional olive groves "al tresbolillo", and don't use irrigation. This cultivation system used by the Phoenicians, Romans and Arabs manages to respect the biodiversity of the land, its flora, fauna and allows the long term maintenance and preservation of natural resources in a much more sustainable way than in more intensively cultivated modern olive groves.